Week in Review

..and what a week it was!

Sadly, last week was pretty cruddy on the healthy living front. Daycare was closed all week, so my husband and I took some days off to watch the boys. I was home with them for three days, and at work the other two. I fit in boot camp on Wednesday, but no other formal exercise happened last week. We walked around quite a bit at a local festival on Sunday, and I’m definitely more active while caring for the boys now that they’re mobile, but otherwise it was just a tough week to fit in exercise. I’m no good at the stay at home mom who works out thing. Lesson learned for next time.

I did have an awesome week, though. Since I usually only have full days with the boys on the weekends, this was a good exercise in really getting a sense for their daily schedule and overall development. They’re making huge progress with finger foods and self feeding, and are just a ton of fun at this age. Their personalities are really shining, and I love it. I was happy to sacrifice my normal routine to get loved on by a couple of silly babies for a week.

In spirituality news, I wrote my very first guest post for the Catholic Librarian (who also happens to be my sister). If you’re interested, check out a bit about my reversion to my Catholic faith as an adult, and the role that becoming a catechist played in my ongoing faith formation.

In gardening news, we’re already getting some sprouts! The lettuce and radishes have begun poking through the dirt, as well as the pickling cucumbers and one of the herbs (what? You expected me to keep track of which pot contains which herb? No time for that!). Still a ways to go before harvest, but things are happening!

That’s all for now, but check in tomorrow for my very first WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday), and later this week for my personal reaction to the birth of the Royal Baby in Great Britain, and how it relates to the birth of my (slightly less royal) babies last year.

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